Tuesday, June 7, 2011

what makes a productive day?

I'm a list person. I like my days organized and thought out. I like, no, I LOVE the feeling of accomplishment. Crossing things off my list. So when I have a list, but then only parts of it get done, but other things get done that were good, but not on the list....which is better?

I'm taking these classes on Post helping us to become better leaders/spouses/family members and people, and we were talking about time management and how it's good to have your day planned and to watch out for time wasters and to be flexible. I'm pretty sure I could fit into each one of those today.

Here was my plan:
finish organizing my room
do insanity
read french BOM
clear out all the boxes that I have unpacked
go swimming

Well, here's what happened.
I forgot I had an appointment to take Kuma to the vet today. (btw, he was AMAZING. Dog training is working. Gosh, I just love him)
Stopped by the Arts and Crafts building and got prices for doing, well, arts and crafts.
Came home and updated blogs
Was surprised that Aaron came home for lunch, so we just hung out.
Probably wasted time on Facebook
Went to the pool, read BOM and started a new book, "Crucial Conversations" and planned meals for the week, made groceries list. and also, swam some laps.
Came home and got ready to go to my classes, while watching a new TV show Nate told me about, "The Voice", which I loved/hated--more on that later.
Went to class and LOVED it (see sjarmywife.blogspot.com)
Came home, realized Aaron has become addicted to Magic the gathering on the computer, and therefore didn't get anything else done...like putting away groceries (found a gallon of milk on the kitchen floor..lol) or feeding the dog.
Put stuff away, cleaned kitchen, fed dog

and now I'm in bed wondering if I really got anything accomplished today. As I look through that list, I think, wow, I did do a lot today, but what I really wanted to do was, get organized. I'm sick of living out of boxes/disorganization. I hate the task, so I'm putting it off, by doing other things that are also good. I should probably revisit Elder Oaks talk Good, Better, Best, and get my priorities straight. This happens to me a lot, because there is a task I don't want to do, I think of EVERYTHING I can possibly do--that's good, so I keep myself busy enough that I don't have time to do what I want/should do.

OK goal tomorrow.  Organize room. I cannot leave the house, unless that task is done. :(

oh, crap.

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